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33 Best Halloween Games for Kids [2022] | Pottery Barn Kids

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33 Halloween Games for Kids:
Spooktacular Family Fun Ideas

Trick-or-treating isn’t the only fun activity to look forward to on Halloween. Families can host a pumpkin carving contest or play mummy bowling, and we can’t forget about a cookie decorating party or pin the tail on the black cat.

While kids of all ages look forward to the spooky celebration, they can also get excited for a night of family fun. Don’t forget to invite your friends and neighbors over to participate in the spooktacular events.

The list of fun Halloween games for kids is nearly endless. Ready to enhance your October 31st this year? Let’s stir the cauldron and dissect some Halloween activities perfect for the whole family.

1. Toilet Paper Mummy Game

What’s more fun than dressing up like a mummy on Halloween? Follow the steps below for this easy Halloween game that is perfect for kids of all ages.

  1.  Split players into teams of three
  2.  Grab two rolls of toilet paper
  3.  One person will be the mummy and the other two will be in charge of wrapping
  4.  On go, the wrappers will wrap the other teammate in the toilet paper from head to toe
  5.  Whichever team finishes their roll of toilet paper the fastest wins!

2. Tin Can Halloween Bowling

Grab some paint and use tin cans to create spooky creatures that are perfect for a game of DIY bowling. Further instructions below!

  1.  Save six used food cans
  2.  Pick out white, black, green, purple and orange paint
  3.  Paint Halloween monsters and creatures on your tin cans
  4.  Stack your cans like a pyramid with three on the bottom, two in the middle and one on top
  5.  Grab a tennis ball and play bowling during your Halloween celebration

3. Donut Eating Race

There is nothing more delicious than participating in a donut-eating race. This Halloween game for kids involves donuts, string and hungry monsters!

  1.  Make or buy a dozen or two of donuts
  2.  Tie a string in the middle of the donut's hole
  3.  Hang the donuts from a secure rod or rope
  4.  Have kids try to eat the donuts without using their hands
  5.  Whoever finishes their donut first is the winner

4. Marshmallow Toss

Not sure how to transform the classic egg toss game into a Halloween activity for kids? Swap the egg out for a monster marshmallow for the ultimate fun spin on this classic game.

  1.  Purchase a bag of large marshmallows
  2.  Split kids into teams of two
  3.  Starting close together, one partner will toss their marshmallow to the other
  4.  After the teammate catches the marshmallow, each player will take a step back
  5.  Repeat — once a team drops their marshmallow, they're out!
  6.  The team that drops the marshmallow monster last wins

5. Pin the Tail on the Cat

Pin the tail on an animal is the perfect party activity that doesn’t require much effort. You can buy your own Halloween cat poster or make your own using construction paper, scissors, markers and tape.

  1.  Tape your large cat poster on an empty wall inside or outside your home
  2.  Cut out multiple cat tails that are the same size
  3.  Blindfold each kid and one by one have them try to pin the cut-out tail onto the cat poster
  4.  The kid that pins the tail the closest to the normal spot wins

6. Mummy Sack Race

This activity is similar to the toilet paper mummy game, but this time the kids will race to see who can make it to the finish line without ripping their paper. Does your kid have what it takes to be crowned the mummy sack race champion?

  1.  Wrap everyone’s legs like a mummy using toilet paper
  2.  On go, all kids will race to the finish line at the other end of the grass
  3.  The mummy who makes it to the finish line without any tears in the paper will be crowned the champ

7. Pumpkin Checkers

Who said checkers isn’t a fun Halloween game for kids? Grab your mini pumpkins and get ready for a festive game of checkers.

  1.  Grab an 8x8 piece of wood
  2.  Paint a large checkerboard pattern on the slab of wood
  3.  Use miniature pumpkins to use as playing pieces, and proceed with the normal rules of checkers

8. Witch’s Hat Ring Toss

Get in the holiday spirit with a friendly game of ring toss, witch’s hat edition. You can either buy a witch's hat or DIY one with cones and foam board.

  1.  Place your witch's hat in the center of the play space
  2.  Grab inflatable or plastic rings
  3.  Line all the kids up to prepare your game
  4.  Each kid will have five rings to toss onto the witch’s hat
  5.  The child who lands the most rings by the end wins

9. Eyeball Table Tennis

Spookify your table tennis game by swapping out ping-pong balls for eyeballs. No, not literally. Transform your traditional ping-pong balls into eyeballs with the help of markers or paint. Carry on as you normally would with table tennis but with a hint of spookiness.

10. Pumpkin Balloon Stomp

On your mark, get set, STOMP! Blow up dozens of orange balloons to create a pumpkin patch. At the same time, all of the children will stomp on the balloons. The kid who steps on the most pumpkin balloons is the winner.

11. Halloween Treasure Hunt

What is more fun than searching for hidden treasure? A Halloween treasure hunt is perfect for kids of all ages. Follow the clues below to reveal the secret to hosting the ultimate hunt.

  1.  Gather Halloween toys and treats
  2.  Hide the treasures inside and outside your home
  3.  Create a hidden treasure map or list of clues
  4.  Split the kids into teams of two or more
  5.  Give the map or list to each team of kids
  6.  Start the timer for one hour and have the children find as many Halloween treasure as they can
  7.  All of the kids will keep the treasure they find

12. Pumpkin Beanbag Toss

Turn your carved pumpkins into an easy Halloween game for kids. Follow the steps below so your kids can duel in the ultimate beanbag match.

  1.  Carve a large, open mouth in your pumpkin if you haven't already
  2.  Split your kids into two teams
  3.  Each team member will toss a beanbag and aim for the open mouth
  4.  The team with the most beanbags inside their pumpkin wins

13. Eyeball Spaghetti Hunt

Mamma mia! Meatballs and spaghetti have a whole new meaning for this activity.

  1.  Cook two or three portions of spaghetti
  2.  Hide eyeball-painted ping-pong balls inside a bowl of spaghetti
  3.  Blindfold each child
  4.  Set the timer for one minute and have the kids search for the eyeballs inside the spaghetti
  5.  The person who collected the most eyeballs is crowned the champion

14. Pumpkin Sweep

The pumpkin sweep is similar to hitting a hockey puck but with a Halloween twist. Follow the rules below to level up your spooktacular party.

  1.  Mark a finish line with string either at the end of a room or outside on the grass
  2.  Depending on the age of your kids, collect either small or large pumpkins
  3.  Split the kids into two teams
  4.  Give each teammate a broom
  5.  One by one, have the kids take turns sweeping their pumpkin across the finish line
  6.  The team with all pumpkins across the finish line the fastest wins

15. Ghost Cup Stack

Looking for easy Halloween games for kids? With only a few supplies you most likely already have, you can create this game.

  1.  Take out 10 plastic cups
  2.  Cut three holes in each cup to mimic a ghost
  3.  Stack four cups, three cups, two cups and one cup like a pyramid
  4.  Have your kids take turns knocking down the ghost cup stack with eyeball ping-pong balls

16. Truth or Scare

You’ve heard of truth or dare, but what about the spooky version called truth or scare? Swap out the dares with scary activities for your kids to participate in. Think of physical challenges, food concoctions to taste or even Halloween movie skits to try.

17. Eyeball Toss

This game is similar to the monster marshmallow toss, but this time swap them for eyeballs.

  1.  Split all the children into two teams
  2.  Hand out one fake eyeball to each team
  3.  Each child will throw an eyeball to their teammate
  4.  After the teammate catches the eyeball, both members will take a step backward
  5.  Whoever drops the eyeball last will be the champion

18. Pumpkin Piñata

Treats are the sweeter half of trick or treating, so why not elevate your party with a pumpkin piñata? Choose a friendly ghost, jack-o’-lantern or maybe a monster. Fill the piñata with all the classic candy and hang it on a tree for all the kids to take a whack.

19. Pin the Spider on the Web

This Halloween game for kids is similar to pin the tail on the cat, but swap the cat for a spider web and the tails for spiders. Follow the rules below for fun the whole family will enjoy.

  1.  Print out or draw a large spider web
  2.  Hang up your spider web poster on a large wall
  3.  Print out or draw spiders of equal size
  4.  Put a blindfold on all the children
  5.  Have the kids pin the spider in the center of the web while blindfolded
  6.  Whoever pins the spider the closest to the middle wins

20. Eyeball Slime

It’s no secret that kids love playing with slime. Take your gooey globs to the next level with fake eyeballs hidden inside. Use the recipe below to make your own slime.

  1.  Pour 1 cup of glue and 1 tablespoon of baking soda into a large bowl
  2.  Mix the ingredients together thoroughly
  3.  Add in a few drops of food coloring and one tablespoon of lens cleaner or contact lens solution
  4.  Stir the mixture until it thickens
  5.  Knead the slime in a mixing bowl
  6.  Add in plastic eyeballs and blend them into the slime mixture until hidden

21. Pumpkin Tic-Tac-Toe

Build a DIY tic-tac-toe board with a few easy steps to create an entertaining game for kids.

  1.  Grab white tape and an empty table
  2.  Create a tic-tac-toe board using the tape
  3.  Replace the X's and O's with white and orange pumpkins
  4.  Split children into two teams
  5.  Designate one team as orange pumpkins and the other as white pumpkins
  6.  Play tic-tac-toe as you normally would

22. Create a Monster Game

When it comes to Halloween games for kids, creating a monster is by far the most amusing. Here are a few steps to follow to participate in this arts and crafts activity.

  1.  Find large, empty cardboard boxes
  2.  Give your kids paint, googly eyes, feathers and glue
  3.  Let the kids build their own monsters with the craft supplies
  4.  Pass out awards for the scariest, funniest and most realistic monster

23. Candy Corn Guessing Game

Fill a large jar completely with candy corn and have the kids guess how many are inside. The person with the closest guess will win the entire jar. If you aren’t a fan of candy corn, you can always swap it out for a different candy.

24. Poke a Pumpkin

This game is similar to a treasure hunt, but more confined to smaller spaces. Grab some plastic cups, a poster board and spooky treats, and let’s get started.

  1.  Gather 23 plastic cups, black poster board, orange tissue paper, green construction paper, rubber bands, scissors and glue
  2.  Hide spooky treats and treasure inside the plastic cups
  3.  Wrap the plastic cups with orange tissue paper and secure it with a rubber band
  4.  Glue the cups to the black poster board in the shape of a pumpkin
  5.  Cut out a pumpkin stem out of green construction paper and glue it to the poster board
  6.  One by one, let the kids poke the pumpkins using thumbtacks to reveal a trick or treat

25. Candy Corn Relay Race

On your mark … get set … GO! It’s time to host a candy corn relay race that is fun for the whole family.

  1.  Split players into teams of four
  2.  Set up a table with an empty bowl for each team
  3.  Each teammate will carry a spoon full of candy corn and will run to the empty bowl and drop in the candy corn
  4.  The teammate will run back to their team and hand off their spoon
  5.  The next person will scoop a spoon full of candy corn and repeat the process
  6.  The team with the most candy corn in their bowl will win

26. Ghost Sack Race

Take the potato sack race to a spooky level with ghost pillowcases. With only a few supplies, your kiddos will be on their way to hopping around in your ghost sack.

  1.  Buy white pillowcases
  2.  Grab felt markers and have your kids draw ghost faces on the pillowcases
  3.  Step into the pillowcase and hop to the finish line

27. Squirt the Skeleton Game

Squirting skeletons with water guns? Count us in! Your kids will love this simple Halloween game that requires minimal effort.

  1.  Glue eight mini skeletons to a poster board
  2.  Print out slime blobs and tape them to the skeletons to create targets
  3.  Fill squirt guns with water and hand them to each kid
  4.  One by one, let the kids spray the target on the skeletons

28. Pumpkin Mini Golf

Did you know that carved pumpkins make the perfect target for mini golf?

  1.  Carve pumpkins with large, open mouths
  2.  Add a piece of cardstock to the mouth’s opening to create a ramp
  3.  Purchase or make your own putters out of foam
  4.  Let the kids hit the golf balls into the pumpkin’s mouth
  5.  The kid who hits the most balls into the pumpkin wins a bag of treats

29. Mummy Bowling

You can decorate plastic bowling pins or make your own mummy bowling set with water bottles. The choice is yours, but beware, this game calls for some quality family fun time.

  1.  Wrap bowling pins or water bottles with white gauze or white string to create mummies
  2.  Glue on googly eyes and tie a ribbon around the neck
  3.  Set up your mummy bowling pins
  4.  Roll a tennis ball or plastic bowling ball and knock down the pins

30. Halloween Cookie Decorating

Cookie decorating can be a simple, innocent activity or you can turn it into a competition. Let your children’s creativity prosper with this Halloween activity.

  1.  Bake sugar cookies that are shaped like pumpkins, ghosts, monsters and witch's hats
  2.  Bring out frosting, icing and sprinkles for the kids to decorate the cookies
  3.  Enjoy the freshly decorated cookies

31. Monster Mash Bingo

Bingo is always a hit at any party and the monster mash version is no exception. Who’s ready for some lighthearted fun?

  1.  Create multiple versions of bingo boards that highlight different Halloween monsters and icons
  2.  Pass out candy corn as bingo chips
  3.  Play bingo as normal
  4.  Play for fun, or give the winner a treat to add to their Halloween bag

32. Halloween Charades

Gather around and let’s play a spooky game of Halloween charades!

  1.  Split your guests into two teams
  2.  Write Halloween icons like a pumpkin, ghost or skeleton or spooky movie characters on folded pieces of paper
  3.  Each team will grab a piece of paper and act out their prompt in front of the audience without speaking

33. Pumpkin-Carving Contest

It’s not Halloween without a pumpkin-carving contest! Show off your skills with a friendly competition. Provide all the tools your guests need and let the creativity arise. You can even pass out awards to praise everyone’s skills.

Now it’s time for you to test out these Halloween games for kids. Step up your pumpkin-carving skills or guess the correct amount of candy corns!

Don’t forget to add your personal touch to these games. You don’t have to play by the rules—we won’t tell the monsters.

Halloween's just around the corner, so it's time to get into the spirit! For all your Halloween costumes and decorations, check out Pottery Barn Kids to stock up on all your favorites in one place.

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