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Diaper Bag Checklist: The Essentials You Need to Pack | Pottery Barn Kids

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Diaper Bag Checklist:

The Essentials You Need to Pack

It can be hard to keep track of your baby’s necessities as a parent, especially when heading out for the day. But there’s an easy way to ensure you always have everything your little one needs. Whether you’re en route to the park or grandma’s house, head out the door with confidence with all of your go-to diaper bag essentials. With this comprehensive diaper bag checklist, you’ll have everything you need for changing, feeding and keeping your baby entertained. With the right gear, you can better enjoy your time out and about.

The exact items and quantity of each depend on your child's age and how long you'll be out. Just ensure you have these diaper bag essentials along with some extras—here's to many new adventures with your little one!

What to Pack in a Diaper Bag

Keep these must-haves in your diaper backpack or bag at all times, since you’ll likely need them wherever you go. Even if it's a short trip to the store or a friend’s house, you'll have everything you need to take care of your little one.

Changing pad: A wipeable pad that folds up into your baby bag gives you a place to change a diaper wherever you are. You can also place it on top of bathroom changing stations to keep baby away from germs. 

Diapers: Your baby will need to be changed about every two hours, so pack enough to cover the length of your outing plus a couple extra to be safe.  

Wipes: Include a thin pouch of wipes in your diaper bag. Not only are they essential for diaper changes, they can also clean surfaces or sanitize dirty hands. If you have room, you can also include a baby wipe dispenser. 

Change of clothes: Whether your baby has an accident or just gets messy, always have a fresh change of clothes handy. Keep at least two backup outfits in the bag.

Burp cloth: Throw a few in your bag. If your baby is prone to spitting up, pack a couple extra. 

Pacifier: If your baby uses a pacifier for self-soothing, be sure to keep one in an easy-access spot for fussy moments. 

Food: Consider bringing a bottle, pureed food pouches or finger foods. Be sure to have plenty of easy-to-carry food storage containers. If you’re exclusively breastfeeding, you might consider packing a light blanket or nursing cover.

Water cup: Keep baby happy and hydrated by bringing along their own water bottle. Choose one with a no-spill lid so it won’t leak inside the bag. 

Teether: If your baby is teething, having a toy to chew on will be a lifesaver. Tuck one in an easy-to-grab pocket.

Hat: Whether it’s summer and you want to shield their precious face from the sun or winter and you want to keep them snug, it’s always a good idea to stow a season-appropriate hat in your bag. 

Hand sanitizer: Attach a travel-sized bottle of sanitizer to the outside of your diaper bag. Whether you’ve just changed your baby or are getting ready for mealtime, a little drop can go a long way. 

Toys and books: Keep your baby entertained at the doctor’s office or during a coffee shop visit with friends. A few small favorites like a stuffed animal and a picture book can last hours. 

Diaper cream: When your baby has a diaper rash, you’ll have the perfect solution. Stow away a travel-sized tube and an applicator so your hands don’t get messy while out and about. 

Disposable bags: No one wants to stick a messy diaper back with the clean ones. Pack a few disposable plastic bags so you have a place to put used diapers. You can even put dirty clothes in the bag if you need.

Sunscreen: No matter the season, be sure your little one is protected from harmful rays.

Diaper Bag Extras

Depending on your outing, you may want to pack a few extra items. You’ll be prepared for no matter what comes your way.

Jacket: Throw in a sweatshirt or jacket in case the temperature drops while you’re out, especially if you’re heading somewhere in the evening. 

Sleepwear: If you’re planning to put baby down for a nap, make sure you have what they need for sleeping, like pajamas, a swaddle or a wearable blanket. Bring a portable sound machine if your baby is accustomed to one. 

Blanket: Whether it’s for keeping baby snug or letting them play on the ground, a blanket offers versatility. Choose a lightweight one that won’t take up too much space in your bag. 

Bib: If you plan to feed your baby while you're out, ensure you’ve got something to protect their outfit and catch bits of food. 

Bowl and spoon: Serving your baby lunch or dinner? Ensure you have all the essentials for mealtime. 

Bandaids: For a toddler, toss in a few bandages for scrapes and falls. Tuck them in a plastic bag so you don’t have to pack the whole box. 

Insect repellent: Plan to be outside where there might be bugs? Pack a baby-safe bottle just in case.

Medicine and thermometer: If your baby is sick or has an upset stomach, cough medicine or gripe water can be a lifesaver while away from home. If your little one is taking an antibiotic for an ear infection, for example, make sure you pack their prescription. Throw in a thermometer if you’re worried your baby might come down with a fever.

Nasal aspirator: Does your baby have a stuffy nose? Ensure you can relieve them while on the go.

Diaper Bag Essentials for Parents

Taking care of the little one is hard work, and can leave you prone to forgetting things for yourself. Pack a few items to make your life easier and ensure you have what you need, too. While some of these diaper bag essentials might seem obvious, it’s nice to have a go-to list during busy moments.

Keys: It’s easy to forget things as a mom. Ensure you’ve got your keys before you leave the house.

Phone: Make sure you can always call someone in an emergency. With your phone, you’ll also have a way to capture candids of your baby doing cute things while you visit the zoo or see friends. 

Wallet: Getting stranded without a way to pay can be ultra inconvenient with a baby in tow. Make sure you have your license, credit card and some cash in case of an emergency. 

Tissues: It’s harder to run to the bathroom when you’ve got a little one. Make sure you can wipe your nose or clean up a spill.

Nursing cover: Depending on your comfort level and locale, if you’re breastfeeding, a cover can help you nurse no matter where you are. 

Breast pads: If you’re prone to leaking, a spare set of breast pads will keep you comfortable and your shirt dry.

Sunglasses: Shield your eyes from the sun while you drive or play at the park. 

Snacks: Hey, mama gets hungry too, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Making sure you take care of yourself means you can give the best care to baby too. 

Water bottle: Stay healthy and hydrated. Clip your favorite water bottle to the outside of your diaper bag. This one’s extra important for breastfeeding moms. 

Extra shirt: Whether it’s from spit-up or leakage, be ready to head into any social setting with a polished look.

Tips for Packing a Diaper Bag

Besides knowing what to pack in a diaper bag, be able to grab what you need without rifling through everything. These expert tips will make family outings easier for years to come.

Organize by category: Keep essential diaper changing gear together in its own compartment, and feeding items in another. Consider putting your personal items in a separate pouch for easy grabbing. When you know exactly where to go for an item, outings will be less stressful and more focused on time spent together. 

Layer based on necessity: Pack the most essential items on top and in the side pockets—like your diapers and baby wipes. For items you might not use, like a jacket or blanket, place them at the bottom. Items you might need in a hurry, like a pacifier or burp cloth, should be kept in an  easy-to-reach spot.

Load up the night before: If you’re going somewhere in the morning, pack your diaper bag the night before once your baby is down to sleep. The morning will be more relaxed when you head out the door with a baby in tow. 

Declutter regularly: It’s easy for your diaper bag to get over-packed once you’ve gone on a few trips. Go through the bag every week or so to clear out items and prevent an overstuffed baby bag. If you’re headed on a short trip, consider taking out extra items and adding them back in when you return home. 

Contain leaks: Items like sunscreen and diaper paste can leak when the bag gets warm or the lid accidentally slips off. Pack liquid items, like medicine and puréed foods, in sealed plastic bags so your other gear doesn’t get wet and slimy.

As you enjoy outings with your baby, don’t stress about having a perfect system right away. Like everything else in parenthood, packing your diaper bag essentials takes time and practice. You’ll learn which items you use every time and the things you can do without as your diaper bag checklist evolves, and you’ll be prepared every time with the perfect baby gear.

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